Links to People and Places..
  My Daily Bread:
[Slashdot.org] - News for nerds, stuff that matters..
[CGTalk.com] - Time for your daily helping of humble pie.
[Guardian.co.uk] - The real news.
  Friends, Co-Workers, Countrymen:
[AaronConover.com] - One of my best friends, if it wasn't for him, I doubt I would be doing what I am today.
[Riff-Raph.com] - Raphael, one of my good friends from school; a really talented modeler.
[CardboardBoxStudios.com] - My friend Ryan, dis buggah be akamia, he is a lighting TD at Digital Domain.
[Diana.CardboardBoxStudios.com] - Diana, She's a badassed modeler, and a good listener..
[LosDesigns.com] - Mims. The man, the myth, the mystery.
[Fatnek.com] - Kion he's a great person, and animator, he's working at NaughtyDog.
[IamPao.com] - My friend Pao, a great modeler who is working at EA.
[BradMatarazzo.com] - Brad is a solid designer, inspired dj, and fellow wipeout enthusiast.
[BandedArtists.com] - Jon is a great artist and co-collaborator who hosted my DNS for years.
  Heroes, Mentors, Professors:
[Joe Pasquale] - Wise beyond his years, he has attributed a lot to who I am today.
[Malcom Kesson] - A renderman god who could teach anything to anyone, he is a great instructor.
[Franklin Londin] - The man responsible for my lenticular fetish, amongst other things.
[Craig Mullins] - The matte painting god; a magnificent artist.
  CG sites of interest:
[CGChannel.com] CG News, updated daily
[Flay.com] - for the Lightwave 3D enthusiast
[HighEnd3D.com] - for the 'High End' software enthusiast
Updated: 11/09/04