Gleaning Data from the 3dsMax ‘Reaction Manager’
This is something we had been discussing over at CGTalk, we couldn’t find a way to figure out Reaction Manager links through maxscript. It just is not exposed. Reaction Manager is like Set Driven in Maya or a Relation Constraint in MotionBuilder. In order to sync rigging components between the packages, you need to be able to query these driven relationships.
I set about doing this by checking dependencies, and it turns out it is possible. It’s a headache, but it is possible!
The problem is that even though slave nodes have controllers with names like “Float_Reactor”, the master nodes have nothing that distinguishes them. I saw that if I got dependents on a master node (it’s controllers, specifically the one that drives the slave), that there was something called ‘ReferenceTarget:Reaction_Master‘:
refs.dependents $.position.controller #(Controller:Position_Rotation_Scale, ReferenceTarget:Reaction_Master, Controller:Position_Reaction, ReferenceTarget:Reaction_Set, ReferenceTarget:Reaction_Manager, ReferenceTarget:ReferenceTarget, ReferenceTarget:Scene, Controller:Position_Rotation_Scale, $Box:box02 @ [58.426544,76.195091,0.000000], $Box:box01 @ [-42.007244,70.495964,0.000000], ReferenceTarget:NodeSelection, ReferenceTarget:ReferenceTarget, ReferenceTarget:ReferenceTarget) |
This is actually a class, as you can see below:
exprForMAXObject (refs.dependents $.position.controller)[2] "<<Reaction Master instance>>" getclassname (refs.dependents $.position.controller)[2] "Reaction Master" |
So now we get the dependents of this ‘Reaction Master’, and it gives us the node that it is driving:
refs.dependentNodes (refs.dependents $.position.controller)[2] #($Box:box02 @ [58.426544,76.195091,0.000000]) |
So here is a fn that gets Master information from a node:
fn getAllReactionMasterRefs obj = ( local nodeRef local ctrlRef for n = 1 to obj.numSubs do ( ctrl = obj[n].controller if (ctrl!=undefined) then ( for item in (refs.dependents ctrl) do ( if item as string == "ReferenceTarget:Reaction_Master" then ( nodeRef = (refs.dependentNodes item) ctrlRef = ctrl ) ) getAllReactionMasterRefs obj[n] ) ) return #(nodeRef, ctrlRef) ) |
The node above returns:
getAllReactionMasterRefs $ #(#($Box:box02 @ [58.426544,76.195091,0.000000]), Controller:Position_Rotation_Scale) |
The first item is an array of the referenced node, and the second is the controller that is driving *some* aspect of that node.
You now loop through this node looking for ‘Float_Reactor‘, ‘Point3_Reactor‘, etc, and then query them as stated in the manual (‘getReactionInfluence‘, ‘getReactionFalloff‘, etc) to figure out the relationship.
Here is an example function that prints out all reaction data for a slave node:
fn getAllReactionControllers obj = ( local list = #() for n = 1 to obj.numSubs do ( ctrl = obj[n].controller if (ctrl!=undefined) then ( --print (classof ctrl) if (classof ctrl) == Float_Reactor \ or (classof ctrl) == Point3_Reactor \ or (classof ctrl) == Position_Reactor \ or (classof ctrl) == Rotation_Reactor \ or (classof ctrl) == Scale_Reactor then ( reactorDumper obj[n].controller data ) ) getAllReactionControllers obj[n] ) ) |
Here is the output from ‘getAllReactionControllers $Box2‘:
[Controller:Position_Reaction] ReactionCount - 2 ReactionName - My Reaction ReactionFalloff - 1.0 ReactionInfluence - 100.0 ReactionStrength - 1.2 ReactionState - [51.3844,-17.2801,0] ReactionValue - [-40.5492,-20,0] ReactionName - State02 ReactionFalloff - 2.0 ReactionInfluence - 108.665 ReactionStrength - 1.0 ReactionState - [65.8385,174.579,0] ReactionValue - [-48.2522,167.132,0] |
So, once again, no free lunch here. You can loop through the scene looking for Masters, then derive the slave nodes, then dump their info. It shouldn’t be too difficult as you can only have one Master, but if you have multiple reaction controllers in each node effecting the other; it could be a mess. I threw this together in a few minutes just to see if it was possible, not to hand out a polished, working implementation.
Hey man, this is a great reference. I am working in max at the moment to, its great to see more information regarding some of the nondescript that pops up in the reference.
Kepp it coming!
Comment by FuzzYspo0N — 2008/09/10 @ 2:40 AM