Stumbling Toward 'Awesomeness'

A Technical Art Blog

Monday, July 16, 2012

CINEBOX SIGGRAPH Talk and Studio Workshops


I am giving a talk at SIGGRAPH 2012 entitled ‘Film/Game Convergence: What’s Taking So Long?‘ where I discuss the inherent differences between games and film and go over a few case studies of projects that attempted to use a game engine for film previs. I also talk a bit about the development of our CINEBOX application, the decisions we had to make, and how we dealt with many of the issues previous attempts have run into.


I will be giving two more Studio Workshops this year, the first is a followup to last year’s Introduction to Python, entitled ‘Python Scripting in Maya‘. The other workshop is ‘Building a Game Level‘, which is the same basic workshop I gave last year where I show people how to make a playable game level in CryEngine in an hour. Studio Workshops are hands-on sessions where each attendee has a computer and follows along with the instructor. It’s a great chance for people of all ages to learn new things.

posted by admin at 8:06 PM  


  1. FYI
    CINEBOX link in title, but not href
    <a title="; href="http://&quot;

    Comment by Jason B — 2012/07/16 @ 11:19 PM

  2. Thanks, dunno how that borked!

    Comment by admin — 2012/07/19 @ 10:19 AM

  3. Hey Chris,

    Wish I had gone to see you at Siggraph this year. Hope to see you soon.


    Comment by Nick Woo — 2012/08/13 @ 7:28 PM

  4. Hi Chris, i just found your site. Hope everything worked out with
    the switch to maya! cu in grueneburg 😉

    Comment by Martin — 2012/10/01 @ 8:49 PM

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