Avatar: Aspect Ratio Note
Theaters presenting Avatar in 2D and Real3D, show a cropped 2.35:1 version, while 3D IMAX shows the original work at 1.85:1. You might not think that this matters, but you are losing a lot of the image in the crop. If you want to see it as the artists/director intended it looks like IMAX 3D is your only option.
Yo I have not heard from you in a long time.
I have the entire Taito Type X library hacked.
Email me or AIM Ikarugaradiant
Longtime friend and miss talking to you!
Comment by Casey — 2010/02/11 @ 9:56 PM
I’m very curious to know how did you get this information cause I didn’t notice that even though I have seen Avatar twice, one in a digital 3-D theater and the other in a standard 28m x 21m IMAX 3-D theater.
Comment by Drake — 2010/04/06 @ 5:04 PM