Adding Sublime ‘Build’ Support for KL
I have been dabbling with KL and that Fabric guys have some great introduction videos [here]. They have worked hard on some Sublime integration/highlighting, which you can find on GitHub [here].
While following these intro tutorials, instead of popping back and forth to your command line, you can actually compile/run your code in Sublime and see the results. To do this go to Preferences>Browse Packages… Then open that Sublime-KL folder, and inside create a new file called ‘KL.sublime-build‘, the contents of which should be:
{ "cmd": ["kl", "$file"] } |
Then just select KL from the ‘Build System’ menu as shown above, now press CTRL+B and it will show results inside the Sublime console!
Ah cool, thanks for the tip! I’m going to do this for launching standalone python Fabric Engine apps as well. I’m on a mac and at the present moment, Splice isn’t supported on MacOS.
Comment by Chris Lesage — 2014/08/28 @ 12:50 AM