Stumbling Toward 'Awesomeness'

A Technical Art Blog

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Adding Sublime ‘Build’ Support for KL


I have been dabbling with KL and that Fabric guys have some great introduction videos [here]. They have worked hard on some Sublime integration/highlighting, which you can find on GitHub [here].

While following these intro tutorials, instead of popping back and forth to your command line, you can actually compile/run your code in Sublime and see the results. To do this go to Preferences>Browse Packages… Then open that Sublime-KL folder, and inside create a new file called ‘KL.sublime-build‘, the contents of which should be:

"cmd": ["kl", "$file"]

Then just select KL from the ‘Build System’ menu as shown above, now press CTRL+B and it will show results inside the Sublime console!

posted by Chris at 2:13 AM  

1 Comment »

  1. Ah cool, thanks for the tip! I’m going to do this for launching standalone python Fabric Engine apps as well. I’m on a mac and at the present moment, Splice isn’t supported on MacOS.

    Comment by Chris Lesage — 2014/08/28 @ 12:50 AM

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