Stumbling Toward 'Awesomeness'

A Technical Art Blog

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Functional MotionBuilder Python Console

I was talking to my friend Marco the other day.  As he is a real programmer, he is somewhat equipped with the needed skills required to decode MotionBuilder’s procedurally-generated Python documentation.  We were both frustrated, fighting with the ‘Python Console Tool’, when I showed him the telnet interface he was like “why don’t you just use that?”

And this is what I started doing. I now do much of my tests and work in the telnet console, because, unlike the built in console that Motion Builder offers, the telnet window at least offers copy/paste, and you can press the up arrow to cycle through previous arguments that you have entered. I would suggest using this until Autodesk adds usable features to their ‘Python Console Tool’.

Here’s an example:

posted by Chris at 1:08 AM  

1 Comment »

  1. The telnet console is much better for script development than the internal Python Console. Today. But we have something coming for you guys that is going to rock your socks off.

    Stay tuned!


    Comment by Curtis Garton — 2008/06/20 @ 10:23 PM

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